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television viewing中文是什么意思

用"television viewing"造句"television viewing"怎么读"television viewing" in a sentence


  • 收视率


  • Limit your television viewing to mostly enlightening , educational , or special shows . sts stop the soaps
  • Article 30 the media coverage , television viewing rate and the size of distribution provided by advertising publishers to advertisers and advertising agents shall be true to facts
  • The american academy of pediatrics has urged parents to limit children " s television viewing to no more than one to two hours per day - - and to try to keep younger children away from tv altogether
  • But studies published on the topic in this month " s archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine concluded television viewing tended to have an adverse effect on academic pursuits
  • The american academy of pediatrics has urged parents to limit children ' s television viewing to no more than one to two hours per day - - and to try to keep younger children away from tv altogether
  • Excessive television viewing has been blamed for increasing rates of childhood obesity and for aggressive behavior , while its impact on schooling have been inconclusive , researchers said
  • Dr sigman told a children and the media conference at thecommons : screen media must now be considered a major public healthissue andreducing television viewing must become the new priorityfor childhealth
    辛格曼博士在英国国会下院称: “目前,电视已经成为公众健康问题的最大隐患,所以减少看电视时间将优先成为帮助孩子提高身体健康的措施。 ”
  • Dr sigman told a children and the media conference at the commons : " screen media must now be considered a major public health issue and reducing television viewing must become the new priority for child health .
    辛格曼博士在英国国会下院称: “目前,电视已经成为公众健康问题的最大隐患,所以减少看电视时间将优先成为帮助孩子提高身体健康的措施。 ”
  • Bullying can now be added “ to the list of potential negative consequences of excessive television viewing along with obesity , inattention and other types of aggression , ” said frederick zimmerman who led the research
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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